Friday, July 2, 2010

Roll With The Changes

Those surrounding my age remember REO Speedwagon and their great song Roll With The Changes. The frustrated lover makes an offer that should be impossible to decline, but guys you know women )). His attitude works well for this post.

Before I matured somewhat, last week, testosterone ruled and roll with the changes, go with the flow, don’t make waves were incompatible with my anti passive personality. My hard head was always bruised and battered from constantly beating it against the wall.

Now don’t misinterpret the proceeding paragraph I still love to mix it up, but the testosterone cocktail is cut with a jigger or two of judgment. Most of my hair turns loose before it turns gray, but time is responsible for an amazing metamorphosis of one’s perspective.

There are issues that must be addressed no matter the degree of difficultly or how much pain will be endured/inflicted. When the house cleaning is complete life can be experienced with enormous ease when you allow issues that are insignificant in the big picture to roll off like water on a duck’s back. This is a practice that requires development. When you boil it down the only thing that holds true significance is giving and receiving love. ALS has taught me I can live without anything but love.

Issues are guaranteed to arise and many at first blush will appear gianormous, take a breath then don your duck’s back. I love the movie For Love Of The Game for various inspiring reasons, I especially enjoy when Kevin Costner says, “Trigger the mechanism” to silence the crowd in his mind and get in the zone to pitch. When I near my maximum carry capacity I say, trigger the mechanism. It is mind blowing how much it relaxes me and puts me in the appropriate mindset. Try it you’ll like it.

Roll with the changes so you can let the good times roll! Wishing everyone a happy independence day! I really appreciate your time to read. If you enjoy my nonsense please share the link. Have a fantastic and safe weekend! dj


  1. "When you boil it down the only thing that holds true significance is giving and receiving love. ALS has taught me I can live without anything but love." Love that! I also love the fact that you have a way to settle yourself so to speak, I too have a way to go someplace else in my came in real handy giving birth 6 times without as much as an aspirin! Thanks David and YOU have a great 4th!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful insight. Love is the most important thing, it's what God made us for.

  3. Thanks so much Carey and Cathy!
    Have a great day! dj
